Monday, February 16, 2009


Everybody LOVES bacon! And I learned a quick and easier way to cook it so it doesn't spit and splatter all over!

Plus it cooks flat and doesn't curl up. So it is easy to use on sandwiches and burgers or on anything that you want to add some bacon to!

Start by turning on the oven to 400 degrees.

Lay the bacon strips on a broiling pan. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes. (I pre-cut this bacon so that it will be ready to go for burgers when it comes out. You can also cook them in whole strips and they still won't curl up!)
The bacon will cook up nice and crisp. These were cut into smaller strips so it would be easy to use on a BLT sandwich! Mmmmm.... and no one got splattered with popping bacon grease!
**If you don't have a broiler pan, use a cookie sheet with a metal cooling rack. Place the bacon on top of that so that the bacon grease drips down.

***Note: You can also cook the bacon directly on the cookie sheet if you want to and it will still cook up nicely, it just cooks a little bit better when you use a broiling pan or the other cookie sheet and cooling rack method.


Gina said...


Ben & Rachel said...

I tried it! I love you for this tip! I will forever cook bacon this way. Thanks.


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